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Stay in the Know


Warm weather is here and there are only a couple weeks of school left. That means we've got a lot going on here at Tristate Developmental Services. Last week we started out the baseball season with a bang. Opening day was a hit with plenty of food, The Huntington Police K9 team demonstration, the Fairland Little League helpers, and a couple of great games! We have a few new things on the horizon that will be announced as they come up. As a reminder, karate is on Tuesday's and Friday's at 7:00pm and continues through the year. We also have craft and game nights once a month so don't let yourselves get board on summer break!


Trunk or Treat had a great turn out with lots of trunks and lots or treaters! Costumes were on point and the treats were divine. Take a look at some of the fun that was had! (Just a note that I always to forget to take pics, so there were given to me by other people.) Thank you to everyone that participated!


Our Halloween Party was a hit! We had a great turn out and tons of fun. The sensory bins were a fav along with the games and crafts. I was a huge fan of everyone's costumes and creativity! Thank you to all the worked at the party and everyone that came and spent time with us! Don't forget we are doing Trunk or Treat on Friday, Oct 29 at 6pm at the Chesapeake Community Center.



Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals and laymen is the backbone of Tristate Developmental Services. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop. 

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T: 740-891-4263    Shane Nida, President


M: PO Box 494 Chesapeake, OH  45619

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