September was a great month with lots of fun! Our kickball games started this month and have been a hit. We made pumpkins on Craft Night and had a blast as usual on Gaming Night. There was a ton of behind the scenes planning for the future as well. So many good thing on the horizon for Tristate Developmental Services and our participants!
October is going to be a busy month so keep checking our calendar and social media posts to stay updated on what's happening. Kickball continues with the younger teams, red & blue, playing at 5:00pm on Saturdays and the older teams (gray & green) playing at 6:00pm. Please be aware that these times are subject to change due to daylight ending sooner and sooner. We've also got a Halloween party planned that is going to be AMAZING! We do need volunteers for that, so contact us to get involved. Not only will we have a Halloween party but we will be doing Trunk or Treat too! So, plan on decorating your trunks and passing out candy with us! Costumes are recommended, but not necessary. Scary decorations are not advised, as we want the kids to feel safe and comfortable. More details will be announced throughout the month.
Just a reminder that we are always looking for volunteers in any capacity. If you're interested in helping for a few hours or on a consistent basis, we have opportunities galore. Additionally, donors and sponsors are always welcome. More monetary in flow allows for more activities and other opportunities to serve our individuals with disabilities. All of our programs and events are funded through donations at this time. We look forward to partnering with each of you to make our organization better able to serve our differently abled community.
